
We've put a lot of thought into making Intecrop simple to use. You no longer have to provide pre-harvest interval dates on every application instruction. Neither do you have to specify the protective wear everytime you spray the same chemical. Intecrop already knows the crops, cultivars, and growth stages you will use. And it knows how to calculate the quantities of concentrate that you have to add per tank.

These are just a few of the improvements you will find in Intecrop. See the table below for a detailed breakdown of the features in Intecrop as compared to JSpray.

Feature JSpray Intecrop
Device desktop, laptop desktop, laptop, netbook, tablet, smart phone
Operating system Windows Windows, OSX, Ubuntu, Android, iOS, any OS with a browser
Browser N/A Chrome (recommended), Firefox, Safari
Number of devices 1 unlimited
Number of users 1 unlimited
Software requirements any browser, Java any browser, (no Java!)
Available offline
Preloaded data
Crops Grapes, Citrus, and more
Growth stages
Chemicals limited number large number and growing
IPM (integrated plague management) codings
Protective wear
Active ingredients
Application methods
Sprayer types
Season management
Simple season management you can easily end a season by mistake you can easily move between seasons, no mistakes
Different seasons for different crops
Data retained after season end only PDFs are stored all season data are accessible
Application instructions
Issued by
High-volume requirement (HVR)
Calibration factor (X)
Additional instructions
Automatic determination of protective wear
Calculation of quantities per tank
Pre-harvest intervals
Re-entry intervals
Dosage calculations
Calculation of actual dosage
Calculation of actual volume water applied
Estimation of current growth stage
Row spacing
Plant spacing
Double-row spacing
Automatic calculation of number of plants
Date established
Block retirement
Automatic block record creation
Calculation of IPM scores
First-allowed harvest dates
Expected harvest dates
Actual harvest dates
Automatic inventory updates
Convenient unit specifications
Add and remove operators
Password protected access
Data stored on secure servers
Data backed-up on multiple servers
Bug fixes
New features